Top 7 Major Industries of Nepal
CIA reports that the main industries in Nepal are the tourism industry, tapestry and textiles industry, small rice jute factories, sugar, and olive mills as well as cigarettes, cement plants, and brick mills. Besides manufacturing in rice, wheat, and oil processing in the small-scale food industry, the light industry, concentrated in the Southeast of Nepal in particular, comprises jute products, refined sugar, cigarettes, clothing, cotton, and synthetic materials as well as wool, shoes, tanned leather and tea. The carpeting, clothing, and spinning industries are 3 major industrial workers, followed by the manufacturing of structural clay products, sugar, and jute. Production of sugar was 49.227 tons, 20.1870 tons of jute goods in 1995, and 23.477 tons of soap. Major industries of Nepal 1) The agriculture industry: Agriculture—mainly rice, maize, and wheat—engages the majority of the population in Nepal and represents well over half of the export income of the country. But the productivity of agriculture is very low. Low yields are the result of fertilizer shortages and improved seeds and the application of inefficient techniques. Because only a small percentage of the cultivated area is irrigated in Nepal, the output is dependent on the weather conditions. Other major crops are potatoes,...